Annual Governance & Accountability Return – 2019
The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) is a document submitted by parish councils each year to an appointed External Auditor and published online for inspection by the public.
The AGAR comprises the following sections:
- The internal Auditors Report which is a summary of their findings following their review of the Councils accounts and processes.
- Annual Governance Statement completed by the Parish Council to confirm it has implemented a sound system of financial control.
- Accounting Statements which summarise payments and receipts across a range of categories.
- External Auditors Report and Certificate which is completed after the completion of the External Audit.
Other documents forming part of this process are the Notice of public rights to review the unaudited accounts and the Notice of conclusion of Audit
Document | File Size | File Type |
Audited AGAR Return | 349.26 KB |