Dersingham Village Centre
The Village Centre opened in October 2018 and is situated in Manor Road, close to St Nicholas Church and the Carole Brown Health Centre. It is on the site of the old St Nicholas Church Hall, which was extended and refurbished by the Parish Council to create a modern and flexible community building. The building is designated as an Important Unlisted Building within the Dersingham Conservation Area.
The Parish Council owns the building but it is managed, maintained and run as Village Hall and Community Facility by The Dersingham Village Centre Association, a registered charity. Please see their website for further information.
The Parish Council has an office in the building and it is also used for Parish Council meetings.
Parish Council Services
- About the Parish Council
- Tips on using our interactive maps
- Parish Council Noticeboards
- Bus Shelters
- Defibrillators
- Dog Waste Bins
- Grant Funding
- Grass Cutting
- Grit Bins
- Land and Property
- Litter Bins
- Planning Applications
- Recreation Ground & Children’s Play Area
- Seats and Benches
- Street Lighting
- Village Voice Magazine
- War Memorial and Gardens