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About the Village

History and Heritage

The Village History Website

The village of Dersingham has a long and rich history which has been extensively researched and documented by our village historian Elizabeth Fiddick. This work became the primary source of information for the truly excellent Dersingham History website.

The website is being produced by residents of Dersingham for all to enjoy. The aim is to preserve the rich heritage of our village and ensure that all the research carried out so far and in the future has a place to be recorded. It is hoped that it will be an aid to education and enjoyment for all ages and interests.

Content is regularly added to the website and the group has a Facebook page to keep subscribers updated.

We strongly recommend you visit the Dersingham History website but be prepared to stay a while!


Heritage Protection

The Heritage of the village of Dersingham has protections at both national and local levels. At the National level we have one Grade 1 and six Grade 2 listed buildings and two Scheduled Ancient Monuments.  At the local level we have the Dersingham Conservation Area.

The following interactive maps shows where the Conservation Area, Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monuments are.

Map Tip: click or tap on an individual feature on the map to view additional information on the left hand side of the screen. One of the items is a hyperlink to the English Heritage Listing.





Document File Size File Type
Conservation Area Character Statement 11.46 MB PDF

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