Tips on using our interactive maps
Our website makes extensive use of interactive maps to display information about our services, assets, and the village's environment and history. While they are designed to be user-friendly, a few tips may enhance your experience and help you benefit fully from their features.

Our interactive maps should work on any device including your mobile phone, and are accessed by clicking (or tapping) a link on one of our web pages. The map view will adapt to the device you are using, so the view on a mobile phone may look slightly different to that on a PC or tablet.
If you are using a mobile phone we recommend you use it in landscape mode whilst viewing maps as you may find that some information will not be displayed in portrait mode.
When you click on an interactive map link on one of our web pages, the map will open in the same browser tab as the current web page. Use the browser back-arrow to return to the web page from the map.
The image above shows a typical interactive map that has just been opened for viewing. The way you pan and zoom the map depends on your device. If you are using a mobile phone or tablet you can use the familiar pinch and slide gestures to move around and zoom in and out. If you have a PC or laptop with a wheel mouse, you should be able to zoom using the wheel and pan by moving the mouse left or right whilst holding down the left-hand button. If you do not have a touch screen or wheel mouse, you may need to use the on-screen map zoom control buttons. These are the white + and – on the top-left of the map screen.
Immediately beneath the zoom control is the Layers menu. If you are using a mobile phone in portrait mode, the menu will appear as a white icon on the left of black bar at the bottom of the screen. Some of the functionality will not be available, so we suggest switching to landscape mode.
Some maps have different features grouped into layers. On some maps you can turn layers on and off. The layers menu can also act as a key to the meaning of different icons and symbols used on the map. Clicking or tapping on the layers label toggles the sub-menu and key on and off.
On the top right of the map area is a box labelled “Postcode Search”. This can be useful to find a point on the map if you know the postcode, for example finding a lamp column in your road. The map will not be displayed if the postcode is outside the parish boundary.
On some maps you can display additional information about an individual feature by clicking/tapping it’s icon. This will bring up an information panel. On multi-layered maps you may be prompted to select the layer for feature you are interested in before the information panel is displayed. Some information panels contain links to external websites. The Listed Buildings layer is an example as it has links to the Listing on the Historic England website. These sites will open up in a new browser tab.
Parish Council Services
- About the Parish Council
- Tips on using our interactive maps
- Parish Council Noticeboards
- Bus Shelters
- Defibrillators
- Dersingham Village Centre
- Dog Waste Bins
- Grant Funding
- Grass Cutting
- Grit Bins
- Land and Property
- Litter Bins
- Planning Applications
- Recreation Ground & Children’s Play Area
- Seats and Benches
- Street Lighting
- Village Voice Magazine
- War Memorial and Gardens