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Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk

The Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk (BCKLWN) provide a wide range of services within the Parish. Fortunately they have a very good website that details the full range of their services and allows you to access most of them online, including the reporting of defects, issues and problems. They also give some telephone contact numbers for urgent issues. We strongly recommend that you visit their website and look at the information they provide. You may be surprised!

There is an overview of the services provided by the Borough on their front page of their website. The following link is all you need to access all the BCKLWN online services.


The remainder of this page will concentrate on advice relating to services that are BCKLWN responsibility and generate the most enquiries to us. All information and online services can be accessed by using the above link.

Street Cleansing & Sweeping

The Borough Council is responsible undertaking a range of street cleansing tasks on the public highway and their own land. The full range of services are detailed under “Street Cleansing & Sweeping” section of their website. You can report most issues using their online services.

Please check the “Parish Council Services” section of our website before reporting any of the following types of issue. Further guidance is provided there to help you report your issue to the correct Council.

  • Street Lighting (All in the parish are owned by the Parish Council or NCC)
  • Grass cutting (some areas cut by the Parish Council)
  • Litter bins (some are owned and emptied by the Parish Council)


The Borough Council is the Planning Authority for our parish and as such it is they who decide planning applications. If you have views on planning applications that have been submitted you should make them known directly to the Borough Council, either by email or using the “Comments” tab when viewing the planning application online. The Borough’s website guides you through the process.

The Parish Council is a consultee for most planning applications in the Parish. If you want us to take your views into account when determining the Parish Councils response to an application, please let us know what they are  before the our Planning Committee or Full Council consider the application. Due to the tight timescales imposed on us by The Borough Council, a planning application may be considered by either our Planning Committee or Full Council. In either case our published meeting agenda will state what planning applications are being considered at the meeting.

The Parish Council are also consultees for other Planning matters such as proposed changes of planning policy. Again our published agenda will state what issues are to be discussed at the meeting.

Household Waste Collection

The Borough Council is responsible for the collection of domestic waste and recyclables from residential properties in the parish. Garden waste is collected for an extra annual charge.

Please see the Borough Councils website for full details of the service and access to their online portal for reporting issues such as missed collections and requesting new/replacement bins. You can also order and pay for brown bins for collection of garden waste online.

Business & Trade Waste Collection

The Borough Council offer collection of Trade Waste from businesses in the parish on a chargeable basis

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