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Dersingham United Charities

Dersingham United Charities (DUC) is a registered charity (no. 208523) which was formed by the amalgamation of several tiny historical charitable trusts dating back to the 1600’s.

The DUC is run by nine volunteer trustees and administered by the clerk, all of whom are resident in the village. The trustees’ main tasks are to manage approximately 100 acres of land in and around Dersingham. This includes two arable fields, grazing paddocks, the three Commons to the south of the village and the village allotments on Station Road.  Land rents, and a little income from other sources, is raised to provide funding for projects that benefit the sick, elderly, isolated, or those suffering hardship and to benefit students who require funding for tools and transport to assist them in course work and starting in employment.

These remain our core responsibilities and objectives, although a small proportion of our income is used in maintaining the Commons which are today used for recreational purposes rather than, historically, aiding subsistence farming.

The 32 acre Fen lying between the A149 and Lynn Road is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and requires special attention currently overseen by Natural England and funded via DEFRA.

Periodically, DUC information is published for the village in the Village Voice magazine.

DUC accounts are prepared annually and submitted directly to the Charity Commission at the end of the financial year (31st March).

Contact details: Alex Coombs (clerk) or 01485 543988.


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