Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council (NCC) provide a wide range of services within the county. Fortunately they have a very good website that details the full range of their services and allows you to access many of them online, including reporting defects, issues and problems. We strongly recommend that you visit their website and look at the information they provide. You may be surprised!
There is an overview of the services provided by the County on their front page of their website.
The remainder of this page will concentrate on advice relating to reporting of defects and issues that are the County Councils responsibility and generate the most enquiries to us.
Public Highways
NCC is the Highway Authority for Norfolk and as such have overall responsibility for all public highways other than those managed by the Highways Agency.
The term ‘highway’ can include roads, adjacent footways and verges, footpaths, Bridleways and Byways. A public highway that is maintained at public expense is known as an Adopted Public Highway. Not all public highways are maintained at public expense, indeed most of the “private roads” in the village are legally “unadopted public highways” maintained at private expense. This is explained further on the NCC website.
Fortunately NCC publish a useful interactive map to clarify the status of our roads and footpaths. A link is provided below. Please note that this map will open in the current tab of your browser.
As Highway Authority, NCC have overall responsibility for all highways shown on the map but they only maintain those shown coloured green, orange and purple. Any obstructions to public rights of way, coloured pink on the map, should also be reported to NCC.
Gritting of Highways in winter
As the Highway Authority, NCC is responsible for the gritting of roads in winter and also for the filling of grit bins that may be found at various points on the highway network. Not all roads are gritted in winter but those that are may be viewed on an interactive map provided by NCC on their website.
More information including the map showing priority gritting routes and grit bin locations may be found on the NCC Highways Gritting page.
How to report Highways issues
If your issue relates to streetlights, grass cutting or an item of street furniture within Dersingham village, please check the “Parish Council Services” section of our website before using the NCC online services. You may find that you need to be report your issue to the Parish Council or the Borough Council rather than NCC.
The best way to report highways issues to NCC is to use their online web forms. The highways collection of forms covers both public rights of way (shown pink on the interactive map) and adopted public highways (shown in green and orange).